¿Cuántos mensajeros tiene STO Company?
STO Express tiene un total de 79 subsidiarias, a saber: STO Express Co., Ltd., STO Express Investment Management (Zhoushan) Co., Ltd., Shanghai STO Express Korea Co., Ltd., Shanghai STO Express Korea Co., Ltd. Shanghai Baili Logistics Co., Ltd., Shanghai Qianhuan Hounong E-Commerce Co., Ltd., Shanghai Miaogui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Changtong Logistics Co., Ltd., Shanghai Lirun Transportation Service Co., Ltd., Shanghai Shendong Culture Media Co., Ltd., Shanghai Shenche Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., Shanghai Shentongyi Logistics Co., Ltd., Shanghai Shenxue Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., Dongguan Shenrui Transportation Service Co., Ltd., Yunnan Zichun Logistics Co., Ltd., Mongolia Interior Manan Express Service Co., Ltd., Beijing Ruihao Management Consulting Co., Ltd., Beijing Shenrui Transportation Service Co., Ltd., Harbin Ruiqi Printing Co., Ltd., Sichuan Zichun Logistics Co., Ltd., Sichuan UBS STO Express Co., Ltd., Sichuan Shenrui Transportation Service Co., Ltd., Dalian Shenrui Loading and Unloading Service Co., Ltd., Tianjin Deze Logistics Co., Ltd., Tianjin Shenrui Transportation Service Co., Ltd., Anhui STO Express Co., Ltd., Anhui STO Express Co., Ltd., Shandong Shenrui Transportation Service Co., Ltd., Shandong Shenbang Express Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Ruihua STO Express Co., Ltd. Compañía, Changzhou Wangzhi Logistics Co., Ltd., Guangdong Deze Shentong Express Co., Ltd., Guangdong Shenrui Transportation Service Co., Ltd., Guangxi Deze Shentong Express Co., Ltd., Deqing Tongcheng Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Shenrui Express Service Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Shen Xue Technology Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Ruide Express Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Shenrui Transportation Services Co. ., Ltd., Jiangsu Shentong International Freight Co., Ltd., Jiangxi Shenrui Transportation Services Co., Ltd., Hebei UBS STO Express Co., Ltd., Hebei Shenrui Transportation Services Co., Ltd. Compañía, Hebei STO Express Co. ., Ltd., Henan UBS STO Express Co., Ltd., Henan STO Express Co., Ltd., Jining Deze Express Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Chenrui Transportation Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Zhengbang Logistics Co., Ltd. , Zhejiang STO Industrial Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Shentong Express Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Shentong Ruifeng Express Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Shentong Shengrui Express Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Shentong UBS Express Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Zhoushan Shenrui Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Huaian Gaode Express Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Shenrui Transportation Services Co., Ltd., Hubei Shengrui Transportation Service Co., Ltd., Hubei Shentong Industrial Investment Co., Ltd., Hunan Deze Logistics Co., Ltd., Hunan Shenrui Transportation Service Co., Ltd., Luohe Ruide STO Express Co., Ltd., Yancheng STO Deze Express Co., Ltd., Dangshan Shen Xue Cold Chain Warehousing and Logistics Co., Ltd. , Fujian Ruifeng Express Co., Ltd., Fujian Shenrui Transportation Service Co., Ltd., Jingmen Deze Express Co., Ltd., Guizhou Deze Express Co., Ltd., Liaoning Ruide STO Express Co., Ltd., Liaoning Shenrui Servicio de transporte Co., Ltd., Chongqing Zhongrui Express Co., Ltd., Chongqing Shengrui Servicio de transporte Co., Ltd., Changchun Tongling Logistics Co., Ltd., Changsha STO Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., Shaanxi UBS STO Express Co., Ltd., STO Express Investment Holding Private Co., Ltd.